You have worked hard all throughout your Senior high to get that perfect score on your report card. College has gotten you all excited and you are looking forward to the new challenges and opportunities that come your way. But are you prepared to pay for your college? Paying for college is a challenging task for many students. There are many ways you can bag a scholarship, easing the burden.
What exactly is a Merit Aid scholarship?
Students with a record of achievement academically, in extracurricular activities, and Community leadership are awarded a merit scholarship. Unlike the need-based scholarship, merit aid has nothing to do with an individual’s financial situation. According to recent surveys, around 22% of undergraduates are awarded these.
Here are the top seven colleges that provide merit based scholarships.
1. University of California
Ranked 20th among the 443 National Universities, the University of California in Berkeley is the founding campus of the University of California system. It offers mainly three merit based scholarships – Achievement Scholarship, Reagent’s Scholarship Program and the Chancellor’s Blue and Gold Scholarship program. Students who bag these scholarships can receive up to $5,000 per year.
2. University of Michigan
The University of Michigan is one among the prestigious colleges ranked 25 among the 443 National Universities. First year scholarships are awarded based on the cumulative high school grade points and the ACT and/or SAT scores. Full ride scholarship can range up to $10,000.
3. University of Virginia
Founded in 1819, the University of Virginia is ranked 26 among the 443 National Universities. It offers a number of merit scholarship, including the prestigious Jefferson Scholarship and the Questbridge scholarship
4. University of North Carolina
It is ranked the 29th among the 443 National Universities and offers several full-time merit scholarships like Tar Heel Merit scholarship. They offer around 200 scholarships annually to academically bright students.
5. Georgia Institute of Technology
Popularly known as ‘Georgia Tech’, it is ranked 44 among the 443 National Universities. The university offers the HOPE scholarship to students who have met the University System of Georgia requirements. Various other scholarships are also available for students based on the degrees they are seeking
6. Arizona State University
Arizona State University is ranked 121 among the 443 National Universities. Merit Scholarships are awarded based on your high school GPA, core competency and the degree program; ACT and SAT scores are not considered.
7. University of Alabama
The University of Alabama is ranked 133 among the 443 National Universities. It offers multiple merit based scholarships and even the Academic Elite scholarship. Full ride scholarships are also available.
And the list does not end there! There are many other top colleges that recognize the academic caliber of students and offer scholarships. Some of these scholarships cover multiple academic years based on your involvement and performance. Seven Square Learning can help you achieve that point-perfect grade you need to get into your dream college.